“The Treasure Tree” Bears Rich Fruit for Readers

Father/Daughter Author Team Pen Wholesome Adventure Series Marrying Magic & Faith

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“It was a world of war, corruption, and greed,” Dr. Bruce Ewing and Vernae Ewing announce in the very first line of their wholesome adventure book, The Treasure Tree. If we didn’t know better, we might think we were about to read a story taking place right here and now, in our own time. However, this book is a bit different: events take place in another world setting with the story told partly as an allegory and partly as heraldic tale. That said, Bible-believing souls will understand this story as being important to faith as well as worthy of film production and online gaming entertainment development: The reader is immediately transported back in time to a land of kings, some of whom are also watchmen, prophets, and seers. Those kings and their people find themselves warring over food, land, and the very souls of men and women.

Vernae Ewing Thompson and her father, Dr. Bruce Ewing

In a Genesis-like remembrance of Noah, we’re introduced to Growers and City Dwellers, two groups of citizens living, respectively, in the more agrarian (“forest”) region and in the more developed (“city”) region. The royal lineage of their governance is laid out for us on a cast of characters page: the first king introduced is Joel, king of the Growers, watchman, seer, and prophet. After a battle that will look mighty good on screen once this story is adapted, Joel’s son, Trobus takes rule and eventually his son, Jedidiah becomes King of the Growers from whom the main portion of this first in a series of books derives its energy.

Unveiling of The Treasure Tree, first installment in series by Dr. Bruce Ewing and Vernae Ewing Thomspson

We’re drawn into the story as we get to know what is important to Jedidiah, a man endowed with spiritual discernment which enables him to see the hearts of people. And this is where the scriptural metaphor for “treasure” comes into play: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt 6:21 NIV).  When two young men from their village set off to seek food to provide resources for their families in a time of severe famine, they find themselves having to appear before the King of the Growers. Their interaction with Jedidiah and unfolding events is a gift to readers relating to many matters of the heart. As the young men- very alike but also very different in their spiritual maturation- come to receive more than they’d ever anticipated in their visit with Jedidiah, the audience is pulled into a story that is both visually astounding as well as spiritually profound. We’re treated to a masterfully-told adventure that includes not only the sudden appearances of wondrous and sparkling worldly treasures but also other surprises that will delight the heart as well as intrigue the mind.

“To God be the glory,” as the introductory page of The Treasure Tree declares, and in that aim Dr. Bruce Ewing and Vernae Ewing did not miss their mark. With strong imagery and high appeal for readers of any age, combined with insightful Biblical teachings, The Treasure Tree is perfectly suited for church study groups or just a good read for anyone. Overall, it is a quick and entertaining read that leaves a lasting impression.

We’re keeping that cast of characters list handy, and we look forward to the next installment, Coming Home.

copyright 2020 Michele Caprario

Dr. Bruce Ewing has been a pastor for 48 years, with 28 of those spent as a military chaplain. He has been married to the love of his life, Valerie, for 47 years and is the father of two precious daughters, Brecia and Vernae. Dr. Bruce is a Marriage and Family Relationship Consultant, teacher of biblical principles and teller of stories. His love for God and family is the catalyst for his writing. Love healed his own heart, so he tells stories to inspire others to discover the same grace he has received. 

Co-author and Dr. Ewing’s daughter, Vernae Ewing Thompson, holds a BS in Marketing and a MBA. She is married to singer/songwriter Lance Thompson. She is an actor, model, dancer, producer, director and business owner. She acquired her love for books and writing through her childhood experiences while listening to her father’s wild bedtime adventure stories and stories from the Bible.  

Watch for the next installment in The Treasure Tree series, Coming Home. For more information, please visit  www.thetreasuretreebook.com or connect with the authors on Instagram: @thetreasuretreebook; or on Facebook: thetreasuretreebook.”


About Michele Caprario 86 Articles
Michele Caprario is a writer and editor covering great people, places, and projects that bring goodness to the world.


  1. After reading Michele Caprario’s review, I’m excited to read the book! I’m already eager to get my hands on the sequel when it becomes available!

    • Glad to bring this title to the world’s attention. I’m hoping for a “sneak peek” at a preview of the next installment soon. Stay tuned!

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