Trump In Space Review– A Musical Dramedy of Something That Might Really Happen

Second City Presents Trump In Space
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Trump In Space – An Almost Possible Musical Dramedy from Second City
Trump In Space – Joy Regullano, Nicole Pellegrino, Jessie Sherman, Scott Palmason. Photo by Joe Funk

While many comedians, Second City among them, have thrived on the antics of the Trump tweets and administration, comedy is often based on an extension of real life possibilities taken (we hope not) to extremes.   This hour-plus show at the Second City Hollywood Studio Theatre is both fun, energetic and somewhat scary.  I say scary because with the “friendship” between President Donald Trump and North Korean’s leader, the premise of this show could become a horrible reality.

Trump In Space – Nicole Pellegrino, Gillian Bellinger, Jessie Sherman, Scott Palmason photo by Joe Funk

The war of words between Kim Jong Un of North Korea (aka “Rocket Man”) and President Donald Trump as they debate who has the bigger button has – in this futuristic world – exploded – literally – causing the earth to dissolve in a nuclear conflict.    This tale takes place 400 years hence when the survivors, direct descendants of the chaotic rulers, are now searching for a safe place for the remaining earthlings to live as  America is no more.  The battle now becomes a race who will find the safe planet first?

Trump In Space – Jim Shipley, Rob Wagner, Joy Regullano photo by Joe Funk
Photo by Joe Funk

One crew led by Captain Natasha Trump (Jessie Sherman), a descendant of our president, along with her followers the southern Commander. Sessions (Steve Brewster), ever attentive Lt. Kushner (Jim Shipley), and Lt. Joy (Joy Regullano) -the only other female on board -rush to defeat the California crew led by President Saunders (Scott Palmason), which had succeeded into it’s in own country shortly after America’s demise. In this crew, we find transgender boy/girl Clinton (Aryiel Hartman) and female Lt. Carter (Nicole Pellegrino) and The Executives – J.D DeFour and Mary Lou

Having been captured by Trump’s ship we learn of a romantic history between Captain Trump and President Saunders -and also that the capture was no accident.  Uh-oh!

Trump In Space: Nicole Pellegrino, Scott Palmason, and Jesse Sherman photo by Joe Funk

The cast includes Gillian Bellinger, Landon Kirksey, Jim Shipley, Scott Palmason, Nicole Pellegrino, Jessie Sherman, Mary Lou, Joy Regullano and Rob Waner.

Directed by Frank Caeti with the assistance of Jenna Torrisi, the story was written by Gillian Belinger and Landon Kirksey with music by Tony Gonzalez and Sam Johnides.  Tony Gonzalez was the musical director


Winner of the LA Fringe Festival Encore Award, Trump in Space is Star Trek meets Avenue Q.   It’s an epic space adventure filled with all the sci-fi tropes we know and the politics we love to hate.  With plenty of energy, the songs and music keep you laughing as you learn the fate of the two crew, and the remaining humans.

Trump In Space – Joy Regullano and Jessie Sherman photo by Joe Funk

Second City alumni include many well-known names as Alan Arkin, Joan Rivers, Peter Boyle, Harold Ramis, John Belushi, Gilda Radner, Chris Farley, Stephen Colbert, Tina Fey. Steve Carell, Mike Meyers and many, many more!   The training center follows traditions developed by these groundbreaking and innovative men and women as they encouraged the art of comedy and improvisation.

Trump In space – Top Row, L to R — Rob Warner, Scott Palmason, Jim Shipley, Landson Kirksey.
Middle Row, L to R — Nicole Pellegrino, Mary Lou, Gillian Bellinger, Jessie Sherman.
Front — Joy Regullano.
photo by Joe Funk

The event runs through May 27th and tickets cost $12.  Handicap patrons please note the Hollywood Blvd building has a huge staircase and no elevator.   For tickets contact Second City at 323 464 8542





  • Serita Stevens

    An award winning writer of books, scripts, adaptations and teacher of writing I am also a forensic nurse and assist writers, producers, and attorneys with their medical, forensic, poison and investigative scenes in their stories or cases.

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About Serita Stevens 67 Articles
An award winning writer of books, scripts, adaptations and teacher of writing I am also a forensic nurse and assist writers, producers, and attorneys with their medical, forensic, poison and investigative scenes in their stories or cases.

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